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My favorite prayer over the last two years has been a Baha’i prayer written by ‘Abdu’l-Baha’:

“O God! Refresh and gladden my spirit. Purify my heart. Illumine my powers. I lay all my affairs in Thy hand. Thou are my Guide and my Refuge. I will no longer be sorrowful and grieved: I will be a happy and joyful being. O God! I will no longer be full of anxiety, nor will I let trouble harass me. I will not dwell on the unpleasant things of life.
O God, Thou are more friend to me than I am to myself. I dedicate myself to Thee, O Lord.”

I choose to be a “happy and joyful being”…but, when I read those words…”happy and joyful being”…my heart sank. Just reading this prayer, I realized I have been suffering emotionally…unrelenting, consuming anger, feeling sad and lonely, displaced, scattered, insecure…longing to belong and be at HOME. I am tired of being angry and disappointed and I don’t want that to be my life anymore. I was not really aware of how to unhappy I have been for so long. I was only aware of my anger and sadness. To read those words was a wake-up call. I realized I didn’t know how to be a happy and joyful being…not sure what that actually meant for me. So, that prayer became my daily meditation journey.

When we decided to sell our lakefront home in Canada at the beginning of the pandemic, it was traumatic! The whole experience was a nightmare. Then selling our home on the Gulf Coast a year later during the pandemic and Hurricane Ida set me into panic mode to FIND A HOME!!! I just wanted to be HOME and settled, grounded, SAFE! To be somewhere that I belonged…somewhere to be rooted.

God spoke to me…gave me the word “DETACH”…detach from everyone and every “thing” external to me…to come back inside and find Him standing in my quiet, sacred space. Detach from everything except God, my source of being. He told me to come into the dark spaces within me…to examine and face the all scary places, acknowledge and name all the fears and traumas…that He is already there and there is no darkness to Him…all is Light. “I will transmute the power of your darkness into Light…into the very energy that will EMPOWER you to run the path I set before you.”

God gave me permission to stop trying to make things happen…to detach, release, let go, be free to allow all I truly need to COME to me…be free to RECEIVE…to relax, surrender all thoughts of what should be and accept the gift of just being in a space of all possibility and potential…to let my heart wish and desire and to be open to receiving…to realize I am worthy to receive. She told me to face and acknowledge my fears…to invite them to tea and listen to them…hear their stories and know their genesis. To THANK my anger for trying to protect me…to THANK my sadness for trying to comfort me…and then RELEASE THEM. I am worthy to receive love because I am the creation of love…I am worthy to receive adoration, grace, wisdom, guidance, security and protection…safety…emotionally and physically…and affection, nurturing and caring. I am worthy of being loved and I am free to love.

I am worthy of being WHOLE…no longer looking outside of myself for what I need…the external does not have the capacity to fulfill…it’s time-locked, hardened and material. My capacity lies in the quiet, unspoken sacred space within me…the space that is GOD within me…the space of all possibility and potential, unbridled, ever-expanding creativity, undefined prosperity and provision…all just waiting to be realized and spoken into manifestation. I no longer have to be torn between what I hope for and what I perceive because of underlying fears tearing me apart.

God gave me the word “HOMEOSTATIS”.

ho·me·o·sta·sis [ˌhōmēəˈstāsəs]}
noun – the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.

“HOME”ostasis…HOME-STAY-sis! I can finally realize that I am already at HOME!! I am and always have been my HOME!!! Homeostasis…Balanced…integrated in heart, mind and body into a space that continually expands and heals, rejoices and sings, creates and enjoys. I am in a space…HOME…that has no limits or boundaries, no barriers…a space of peace and GRATITUDE and security that allows me to BE…to BE GRATEFUL…to BE GRATITUTE…to BE A HAPPY and JOYFUL BEING.

We are all HUMAN BEINGS…but,
WHO and HOW are we BEING??

We are not EITHER Mary OR Martha…
we are Mary AND Martha.

When Jesus and his friends came to visit, Martha rushed to prepare a meal while Mary sat entranced, listening to Jesus and enjoying his company. Martha was doing what she was EXPECTED…and probably enculturated…to do…cook, clean, nurture, take care of, MAKE IT HAPPEN! Mary was doing what she was CALLED to do…be authentic, open, curious, engaged…BE PRESENT. Jesus recognized…and HONORED…that both women were expressing love. He didn’t admonish Martha, but invited her to come, sit and listen. I’m sure when it was time to eat, Mary and ALL the guests gladly helped Martha complete and serve the meal and Martha sat and enjoyed their company.

Martha, in her BEING RESPONSIBLE, expressed love as a duty to TAKE ACTION…to MAKE something happen. Living in the external and material world of DOING…rushing into the future to set the stage, or falling back into the past to mentally FIX what happened. Martha’s words are “must”, “have to”, “gotta”, “should”…”the outcome is on ME”.

Mary, in her ABILITY TO RESPOND to God, expressed love as BEING PRESENT, being still, LISTENING, completely immersed in and aware of God’s presence…the action of being still and knowing that God is God. Living in the internal and etherial NOW, from a place of centered, quiet Christ Consciousness…open to the presence of God…HEAVEN. Mary’s words are “trust”, “wait”, “be still and listen”, “expect”…”the outcome is on GOD.”

I am both Martha AND Mary…the urgency of taking ACTION and the necessity of BEING STILL and PRESENT to God.

Scripture tells us “faith without action is dead.”

But, ACTION becomes DIS-EASE when it is not in balance…when ACTION becomes the DRIVING FORCE. When I’m being MARTHA…that’s where I find myself most of the day especially through this pandemic…I feel pressed, distressed and compressed. I’m living from and giving control to the material, external…living “outside in”. Healing…EASE…comes when I stop…hit the pause button and BREATHE. When I center myself and return to God’s Presence…being MARY…I’m living from and giving control to the internal…Christ Consciousness/Heaven…living “inside out”!

Balance and Ease come when throughout my day I sit quietly in God’s presence listening and meditating on His Word…in prayer, song, dance…conversing with Him, loving on Him and receiving His Love! As Elizabeth of the Trinity wrote:

“I feel so much love over my soul, it is like an Ocean I immerse and lose myself in: it is my vision on earth while waiting for the face-to-face vision in light. [God] is in me, I am in Him. I have only to love Him, to let myself be loved, all the time, through all things: to wake in Love, to move in Love, to sleep in Love, my Soul in His Soul, my heart in His Heart, my eyes in His eyes . . . .”

Once I sit like Mary at the feet of Jesus or in the lap of the Father, listening to His Holy Spirit, I can move into and through my day knowing that God is guiding my steps…I’ve heard and continue to hear what He’s saying to me. I can now be Martha and act on what I’m being led to do. When I’m feeling stressed, I’m now aware it’s my body signaling me that I’m moving beyond God…I’ve become external and material again, doing what I think I should be doing instead of what I’m led to do.

“You see, he was TRUSTING GOD so much that he was WILLING TO DO whatever GOD TOLD him to; his FAITH was made COMPLETE by what he DID—by his ACTIONS, his good deeds.” James 2:22

So, it is true…faith without action is dead…but action without faith is INSANITY! When FAITH…being MARY…is the DRIVING FORCE, we first become aware of God’s presence, listening to Him, trusting Him to lead us into action, then…being MARTHA…ACT without hesitation or doubt!!

Hugs and More Hugs,
The Kindred Coach

This is LENT…a time in the Christian tradition to mentally and emotionally fast, reflect and grow in God. But, this is LENT in the midst of COVID-19…a global pandemic. The massive loss of life, not being able to say goodbye to loved ones, crushing illnesses, and the loss of “normal” routines and gatherings with family and friends has created overwhelming grief and sadness.

Oh Yahweh, my Beloved Mother/Father God.  Open my heart to Your Power of Compassion without being overwhelmed by personal, ancestral and global grief and sadness.

The Holy Spirit says…
“Feel the sadness. Breathe into it and acknowledge it…Own it.  Honor and bless it. Thank it.  Release the breath…the hold…the grip…and give it permission to leave…let it go. 

Be conscious of it leaving…expanding and dissolving into God’s Light and Love.”

How beautiful!!  This was my prayer this morning…just a quiet time with our Father to lay all the sadness in his lap.  It is actually a blessing to be in touch with the sadness and own it…only then can I release it to God so He can transmute it to His Light and Love!!!

I realize now that I was holding onto the sadness to protect myself…to REMEMBER the bad things that happened…so they won’t happen again!  I know now that the “holding on” is what attracts the “bad things” into my life…like being a “bad things happen” MAGNET…a “bad things happen” HOARDER!

It’s my mind/body functioning to protect me!! The “holding onto” occurs when my mind creates the “bad things happen memory” and my body grabs it, tucks it away in my shoulders, or back or hips or wherever… but, wherever it’s tucked, I feel the pain.

God told me I can acknowledge and own the “bad things” …face, name and converse with the “bad things” that happened, thank my body/mind for making the “bad things memory” in their effort and commitment to keeping me safe, bless my body/mind and the “memory” …give my body/mind permission to let the “memory” go…release the grip, and give the “bad things happen memory” permission to leaveand be conscious of its leaving…expanding and dissolving into God’s Light and Love.”

Life is a FLOW…good things and bad things FLOW in and out of our lives.  We suffer when we hold on to…cling to…either good or bad things.  


Receive (say “YES!… I RECEIVE”) …
Acknowledge and Honor (say “I SEE YOU! I HEAR YOU”) …
Be Grateful and Release (say “THANK YOU…I LET GO FREELY”). 

Thank you, Mother/Father God for the Power of Your Holy Spirit to let it be so!!!

Hugs and more hugs,

Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”  

I am grateful that I learned at an early age that God speaks to us directly. I enjoyed having “conversations” with God at by bedroom window, or as I sat in His presence during meditation.  I journaled conversations with Him and blogged “learnings” from those conversations.  He taught me how to be still, to recognize His voice, and to listen deeply. He often sent me to my old Webster Dictionary to look up the deeper meanings of words, like “obey”…”to know what is possible, and to act without hesitation or doubt”.

So, I sought God for inspiration for this Advent scripture.  Here is my “Spirit learning”:

Don’t be afraid of the “dark”.  Instead, look at, study, and acknowledge the “darkness” …I am already there!  Darkness is as daylight to Me…nothing is hidden or unknown to Me.  Trust Me, I will direct you in the way that you should go.  I will transmute the “power” in the darkness into the very Light that will empower you to run the path I set before you.

I looked up “LIGHT” in the dictionary and meditated on its meanings. Here are the Webster definitions followed by my “Spirit” interpretations:

  • a lamp (grounded, steadfast light)
  • a beacon (guiding light, flashing to get your attention, showing the way). 
  • a flashlight (to hold in your hand, lighting the path)

And I acknowledged my pandemic “darkness”:  the death of family members, the ugliness of social injustice, to fear of COVID exposure and fatigue of isolation, damage to our home with Hurricane Zeta, and the most stressful, selling our home in Canada.

When COVID-19 hit, the US/Canada borders shut down and we had the challenge of selling our Lake Erie home in Canada long-distance from Mississippi. When we got a buyer in May, we had to negotiate, close and move without being there.  What started out being a win-win, since the buyers wanted the furnishings, quickly became a nightmare.  The buyers were insufferable! Even though we were leaving them 85% of our household, they demanded payment for furnishings that we had agreed to take! There was nothing we could do. In the end, we were only able to get our livingroom and office furniture and personal belongings. After 20 years as our home, it was like suffering a death! 

In prayer I kept hearing the Spirit say “detach…attach yourself to God alone”. As much as I wanted to fight for things that rightfully belonged to us, I listened.  Although it meant that we were going to have to purchase everything new for the unfurnished apartment in the states, I have learned to listen and obey…even reluctantly.  So, I surrendered, and God took over.

Our wonderful Canadian neighbors packed and helped coordinate the professional movers.  The complex in Michigan held our apartment so the sale and the movers timed perfectly.  Plus, because family members were refurnishing their homes, we were able to get beautiful furniture for a fraction of the cost.  In the end, God transmuted that darkness into Light, and overwhelming gratitude replaced stress. Truly God had been a light to our path.

Thank you, Precious Father, for teaching me to be still and listen…to meditate on what You say that I might know…absorb Your Word, Your LIGHT, into my being and understanding. To let go and trust you. Your Word is a beacon to get my attention; a grounded, steadfast lamp to dispel the darkness and give me vision; and a flashlight I can grasp to illuminate my path. I am forever grateful, Father, for Your Light and consummate love!

Add new tag Advent Affirmations anger ANTS Artists Change Coronavirus Covid-19 creativity Darkness faith Forgiveness God's Love healing Ho'oponopono home homeostasis Lamp Lent light Light to my Path love marriage Martha and Mary Meditation negative thinking neurolinguistics pandemic peace politics positive thinking prayer racism relationships safe self respect social justice spirituality Spiritual Restoration thoughts trust Trusting God unity virus


Stay safe; Shelter at home
Wash your hands often; kill the virus
Keep your distance; Don’t touch
Wear a mask; Don’t breathe on each other

O Yahweh, Most Immutable Source of Creation and Love, You remind us that “…our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, the authorities, the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12)
Thank you for causing this pandemic to heal us…to uncover the scabs of deeper wounds…the fettering, purulent diseases of racial and social injustice around the world created to divide and destroy us for the benefit of the greedy and spiritually corrupt.

The pandemic tells us to…
Stay home to stay safe:  YOU tell us that WE are the TEMPLE of Your Holy Spirit.  This is the HOME to which we scramble for safety…to come into Your presence…to be still and Know that YOU are God.

The pandemic tells us to…
Wash your hands often; kill the virus:  YOU tell us to WASH our HEARTS; let our tears for ourselves and each other become the water with which we wash our hearts that we might turn from our anger and division and return our hearts to YOU.  Forgive us and wash away our sin…kill the virus of privilege and superiority.

The pandemic tells us to…
Keep your distance; Don’t touch:  YOU tell us to return to you and remember that we are YOUR creation…we are ONE creation; there is no separation between us.  Cause us to touch each other’s hearts, embrace deeply each other’s spirits, and connect our minds and lives in unity, respect and love.

The pandemic tells us to…
Wear a mask; Don’t breathe on each other.  Racism just says “DON’T BREATHE”!!!:  YOU tell us to breathe deeply of Your Holy Spirit.  Let your Holy Spirit, Most Precious Mystery, breathe in and through us to restore, refresh, renew and revive us.  Enable us to breathe on each other with Your Holy Breath; to once again breathe easy with a SHARED breath that co-creates with You a new life.

You, our Most Adored Lord, work all things to our good for your own purpose.  Thank you for healing us through this calamity and bringing us into unity…in complete and right relationship with You and each other!  Amen


O Lord, Most Gracious and Loving Father God,

We love you, Most Adorable, Beneficent and Gracious Creator, with a love that only you can establish in our hearts. Inflame that Divine Love in us by your Holy Spirit that it might burn away our past and enliven us to a newness of life in heart and mind and action.  

We are deeply sorry for the multitude of ways we and all our ancestors back to the beginning of time
Have offended You and all your heavenly ancestors, angels and saints back to the beginning of time.

Please forgive us. 
We trust your promise that if we turn back to You, O Lord, repenting of our going astray, You would forgive us and restore our souls. 

We are grateful and thank you that you TRANSMUTE:

Our darkness to inextinguishable light;

Our fears into truth, boldness and courage;

Our anger into all-encompassing compassion;

Our death and disease to joyous life.

Our consternation created by division to true equanimity–our ONENESS in You;

Thank you for hearing and answering our prayer.  There is no greater Love than you, no greater Mercy, Justice, Peace, Grace or Power to protect and provide.  There is no other God than You.  And we are ever grateful and love that we are your children.


“Father, why have you forsaken me!”

Crux, Cross, Crucifixion, Good FridayI love the season of Lent.  Over the years I have used the meditative call of Lent to not only reflect on my life, but to listen and learn to refresh and renew my mind.  I have been on my faith-practice journey for 30 years.   Like many “churched” people, I have been exposed to God’s Truth through scripture and Bible stories since I was a child, but began my “Desert Journey” as an adult.  You know…the “Desert Journey”…wandering around in the Word of God thinking that I know where I’m going and finding myself tripping over the same rocks!  It’s been 30 years…hopefully, it won’t take another 10 years before I come to the Promised Land of Understanding and Application of God’s Word!!

Every Lent I give up complaining.  My friends and family list the pastries and pies, booze and food that will make them feel most pious during Lent.  I prefer to give up bad habits like COMPLAINING and, in it’s place, take up being vociferously GRATEFUL.  Funny thing, though…back to the “Desert Journey”…I have COMPLAINING to give up every year!!  I would hope that somehow, without my noticing, I am gradually making being grateful more of a constant habit!  Of course, I beat myself up come the following Lent that I’ve fallen short of my spiritual goal.  Lent has a way of doing that when we become self-reflective.

I have seen more warts this Lenten season than in past years.  It’s been a tough couple of years with my younger son going to prison, and struggling with recurring, heartbreaking conflict in my marriage!  This concurrently happening along with many amazing graces and opportunities in the same time period.  It was hard to see them through my tears, unfortunately.  I truly have struggled with feeling like a failure and a fool.

“And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.”
Mark 3:25 New American Bible (Revised Edition)

crux cropThen I’m stuck!  I AM the HOUSE…Scripture says I’m the Temple of God’s Holy Spirit!  I’m divided against MYSELF…FEAR or TRUST!

How could God allow this to happen to me when I have been faithful to HIM?   I recognize and, when I’m not complaining, appreciate the blessings, but He doesn’t seem to be keeping His promise to me about my children OR my marriage!  The more I pray, the worse it seems to get.

MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME??? How many times have I cried that into my pillow or screamed in the thin air? I know the scriptures that admonish me not to fear, yet here I am in excruciating fear!

But…Lent tells me there is another perspective.  Lent reminds me that “fear is useless, what is needed is TRUST” (Mark 5:36).  And that “The sin of the world is DOUBT.”  But, more importantly, Lent reminds me that Jesus felt the CRUX the SAME WAY I am feeling!!

THE CRUX… (per dictionary.com)
noun, plural crux·es, cru·ces [kroo-seez] /ˈkru siz/.
a vital, basic, decisive, or pivotal point:
1. something that torments by its puzzling nature; a perplexing difficulty.
2. a CROSS.


CrucifixAt three o’clock Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
(New International Version)

I am so GLAD that Jesus spoke MY WORDS!!!! That He cried out MY DOUBT and MY pain!!!  That DOUBT is MY SIN…the SIN of the World!!  Feeling that God has turned His back on us!  Sin is doubting God’s consummate and perfect Love; doubting that He will keep His promises to love us, provide for us, defend us, protect us, take care of us, heal us; doubting that His Grace is sufficient…on and on!   Oh Father God, Do you really LOVE me???

Then Jesus spoke the Words that broke the spell of doubt!
“And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit.
Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom;… ”
(Matthew 27:45-53)

IN SPITE OF HIS DOUBT, Jesus chose to TRUST GOD, BELIEVE GOD and entrust his spirit to Our Father!  He acknowledged his doubt and pain, yet chose to surrender to TRUSTING GOD.  With this submission to faith, DOUBT…the “veil of separation”…was torn asunder!!  With that act of faith…his ensuing death and powerful resurrection…proving that God’s plan is greater than our fear…He rendered my doubt and fear null and void!!!  Because now, in spite of my doubts, I, too, can choose to believe God and remember that through it all God loves me, He is a keeper of His promises and truly is able to take care of me and all those I love.  I can CHOOSE to TRUST GOD!  And for THAT, I am forever GRATEFUL!!!

Resurrection3Now…I can at any time, with Jesus, arise from the darkness of death…doubt and fear…into God’s brilliant, restoring Light.  Again I can see God’s amazing LOVE at work renewing ME…my SPIRITUAL HOUSE…to new life!



“…MAGNIFY the Lord with me, And let us exalt His name together.”    
Psalm 34:3  New American Standard Bible (NASB)

You wonder why you have a HEADACHE…after all, you just got up from a good night’s sleep!!  You made the usual potty run, had the first-light’s java and routinely turned on the TV!!  YOW…the TV!!!  THAT’S the source of the headache…the morning news!!!

You can’t wrap your head around all the insanity and it’s making not only your head hurt, it’s making your HEART, your BACK, and you KNEES hurt, too!!!  Your HEART breaks with sadness and grief.  Your BACK aches with the weight of foolishness and ignorance.  And your KNEES ache because you’ve constantly on them asking for HELP!! It’s as if we are looking at our lives through a MAGNIFYING GLASS and the problems of this world are overwhelming!!!

But, there is RELIEF!  All the craziness diminishes in significance when we MAGNIFY  GOD, and THE NAME OF GOD!  The truth that sets us free from anxiety is that God IS FAR GREATER than all the insanity in the world.

Don’t just pray for help…EXALT GOD ABOVE your problems!!!
“…MAGNIFY the Lord with me, And let us exalt His name together.”    

We remind ourselves of Your Greatness and Your LOVE!
YOURS, O Great Supreme One, Creator of the Universe, is the POWER AND THE GLORY!!!
YOU are All Wisdom, the Creator of All Power, the Sustainer of all Life, The Great Protector.  Greater are YOU than our and the world’s problems and anxieties!!!
GREATER are YOU in us, in me, than he who is in the world!!
And…Greater are WE-in-YOU, Father God…THAT’S what makes us overcomers!!!


You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
1 John 4:4 – NIV

If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.
1 John 3:20 – NIV   

Are you tired of the drama and trauma???  Got enough of the “Shock and Awe”???

The goal of FEAR and anxiety is to DIS-MEMBER us…the old “divide and conquer”!
You know the expressions:  lose your head, feel blown away, broken hearted, falling apart, cracked up…nervous breakdown, broken families and fractured friendships, etc., etc., etc.!  It’s exhausting!!!

IT’S TIME TO RE-MEMBER…we are ALL AMERICANS…we’re still here and we’re STRONG!  True…OUR VOICES AND OUR VOTES MATTER.  BUT above all…as we not only believe IN God, but BELIEVE and TRUST GOD…OUR FAITH MAKES A DIFFERENCE!    My faith orientation is Christian, but I believe and honor all faith traditions that teach us that we are ONE with God and all creation.  As you read this and reflect on your own faith tradition, I invite you to join me in RE-MEMBERING!

It’s time to remember God is the creator of all things seen and unseen!  We may call God by many names…Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah, Abba, Father/Mother God, God Within, Creative Power, the Source…but only God is God!
“Then Ezra prayed, “You alone are God. You have made the skies and the heavens, the earth and the seas, and everything in them. You preserve it all; and all the angels of heaven worship you.”
Nehemiah 9:6

It’s time to remember that ONENESS is our ultimate heritage…to be reconnected by God’s Spirit to the “Whole-liness” that is our Spiritual birthright.  To come through all Spiritual traditions that teach and reflect the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS that leads us into UNITY with God and each other.
“But this is the new agreement I will make with the (people who believe that “GOD IS REAL”), says the Lord: I will write my laws in their minds so that they will know what I want them to do without my even telling them, and these laws will be in their hearts so that they will want to obey them, and I will be their God and they shall be my people”.
Hebrews 8:10   Living Bible

IT’S TIME TO RE-MEMBER… Our enemies are NOT of flesh and blood.
It’s time to remember that those “powers and principalities” thrive on FEAR and LIES!  People that embody those dis-membering “powers to divide” with the “principal intention to conquer” are seriously misled.  They need our HELP!
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
Ephesians 6:12  Living Bible

It’s time to remember we are the temple of God’s Holy Spirit…God’s Spirit is in us! We CAN overcome by waking them up…PRAY THE HELL OUT OF THEM!  And we don’t need anger…ANGER is NOT our defender!!! PEACEFUL, GOD-CENTERED MINDFULNESS is our strength!  Prayer, Determination, Respect, UNITY and our favorite word when we were 2-years old…”NO“!!! “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”
1 John 4:4  New International Version

IT’S TIME TO RE-MEMBER…to get “a-HEAD” above the insanity and the noise…to RE-NEW our FAITH to overcome fear.
It’s time to recognize that insanity is not JUST doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, but the insanity is NOT KNOWING WHAT TO BELIEVE which results in our doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result!
Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.”
Proverbs 3:5-12  The Message

And the promise from the Psalms of David … “Blessed is the one who puts their trust in God…they are settled in their minds that God is able to take care of them, and that’s why they are not afraid nor do they live in dread of what may happen.”

IT’S TIME TO RE-MEMBER …to come to our SENSES!
It’s time to remember to CHOOSE…require that ONLY GOD’S WILL MATTER…to call God’s Will INTO FORM IN THE REALM OF OUR 5 SENSES! (Even Quantum physicists know this!) “Do not be afraid of them [or their hostile faces], For I am with you [always] to protect you and deliver you,” says the Lord.  “They will fight against you, but they will not [ultimately] prevail over you, for I am with you [always] to protect you and deliver you,” says the Lord.
Jeremiah 1:8-9  Amplified Bible 

IT’S TIME TO RE-MEMBER…to come together in FAITH and LOVE!
It’s time to remember that FEAR IS USELESS, WHAT IS NEEDED IS TRUST…TRUST GOD!! Seek, knock, ask to be a part of the SOLUTION and trust God to lead us to reflect His Love into the world.
“Overhearing but ignoring what they said, Jesus said…Do not be seized with alarm and struck with fear; only keep on believing.”
Mark 5:36  Amplified Bible, Classic Edition

It’s time to remember  SPIRITUAL TRUTH… that we are not just flesh and blood, but Spirit!  We live and are being transformed by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think. Then you will learn from your own experience how (God’s) ways will really satisfy you.”
Romans 12:2  The Living Bible

It’s time to remember we are one people, one nation, one Earth. We all desire the same thing…to be respected, to have purpose, to prosper and provide for our loved ones in a safe, just and nourishing environment.  It’s time to remember, to be reconnected to and unified by THE TWO MOST IMPORTANT COMMANDMENTS OF CHRIST…
Jesus replied,Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. The second most important is similar: ‘Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.’
Matthew 22:36-39  The Living Bible

IT’S TIME!!!  REMEMBER…We’ve read the end of the Book…LOVE WINS!!


The Sufi meditation practice of Dhikr is REMEMBRANCE of the NAMES OF GOD. 


         “In practice it is the recitation of Holy verses and Divine Names of God.  Angels are always in the state of remembrance of God.  Saints and holy people strive to remember God with every breath.  The more a person remembers God in every moment, the more they will find peace and satisfaction in their hears.  Remembrance uplifts the Spirit and Soul. The Prophet(s) said, ‘Allah has angles roaming the earth to find people who are in Remembrance of God.  When they find a circle of such people, they call each other and encompass them in layers up to the heaven.”

         In the practice of Remembrance of the Names of God, “as each of the 99 names of God, or Divine Qualities, is prayed or ecstatically chanted, these qualities are planted deeper within the heart until the heart begins to recognize them and resonate at their frequency.”

(source: starsonadarknight.com – “Sufi Stories, The People Who Remember”)


In our Christian tradition, we have many names of God which will be the same as or similar to the ones listed below.  As I meditate on each of these 99 names, I allow the name to bring other familiar name(s) and scriptures back to my remembrance…to get back in touch with, mediate on and embrace the deeper meaning and feelings they bring…and allow those feelings to settle deep in my core. This anchors me to my Spiritual Center and renews my mind…it restores my soul and raises my Spirit and thinking to Christ Consciousness.


For instance, the practice starts with “Allah – the Greatest Name”…that reminds me how Jesus called Yahweh “Abba”…”Daddy”. How incredibly powerful and deeply calming that Name is…to know that God is my Daddy, my Mother/Father God…that His authority, His unfathomable love for and protection of me is present NOW…constant and unchanging.  It reminds me that I BELONG to God!! That “if God is for me, who can be against me!”  And…God protects me as He would the pupil of His eye. (from Psalm 17:8);  also, The Lord is my Light and my Salvation—whom shall I fear or dread? The Lord is the Refuge and Stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?  (Psalm 27). 


Join me in this restorative, healing meditation…and share it!  We can begin a Circle of Remembrance. 


The 99 Beautiful Names of God:  


Allah (Abba) – The Greatest Name


1.   The All-Merciful

2.   The All-Beneficent

3.   The Absolute Ruler

4.   The Pure One

5.   The Source of Peace

6.   The Inspirer of Faith

7.   The Guardian

8.   The Victorious

9.   The Compeller

10.The Greatest

11.The Creator

12.The Maker of Order

13.The Shaper of Beauty

14.The Forgiving

15.   The Subduer

16.   The Giver of All

17.   The Sustainer

18.   The Opener

19.   The Knower of All

20.   The Constrictor

21.   The Reliever

22.   The Abaser

23.   The Exalter

24.   The Bestower of Honors

25.   The Humiliator

26.   The Hearer of All

27.   The Seer of All

28.   The Judge

29.   The Just

30.   The Subtle One

31.   The All-Aware

32.   The Forbearing

33.   The Magnificent

34.   The Forgiver and Hider of Faults

35.   The Rewarder of Thankfulness

36.   The Highest

37.   The Greatest

38.   The Preserver

39.   The Nourisher

40.   The Accounter

41.   The Mighty

42.   The Generous

43.   The Watchful One

44.   The Responder to Prayer

45.   The All-Comprehending

46.   The Perfectly Wise

47.   The Loving One

48.   The Majestic One

49.   The Resurrector

50.   The Witness

51.   The Truth

52.   The Trustee

53.   The Possessor of All Strength

54.   The Forceful One

55.   The Governor

56.   The Praised One

57.   The Appraiser

58.   The Originator

59.   The Restorer

60.   The Giver of Life

61.   The Taker of Life

62.   The Ever Living One

63.   The Self-Existing One

64.   The Finder

65.   The Glorious

66.   The Only One

67.   The One

68.   The Satisfier of All Needs

69.   The All Powerful

70.   The Creator of All Power

71.   The Expediter

72.   The Delayer

73.   The First

74.   The Last

75.   The Manifest One

76.   The Hidden One

77.   The Protecting Friend

78.   The Supreme One

79.   The Doer of Good

80.   The Guide to Repentance

81.   The Avenger

82.   The Forgiver

83.   The Clement

84.   The Owner of All

85.   The Lord of Majesty and Bounty

86.   The Equitable One

87.   The Gatherer

88.   The Rich One

89.   The Enricher

90.   The Preventer of Harm

91.   The Creator of the Harmful

92.   The Creator of Good

93.   The Light

94.   The Guide

95.   The Originator

96.   The Everlasting One

97.   The Inheritor of All

98.   The Righteous Teacher

99.The Patient One

          God is LOVE!